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Nutrition from the sea

First of all, the name “seaweed” encompasses nearly 10,000 different species! Marine macroalgae, or huge algae that grow in the sea, is another name for seaweed. For growth, seaweeds need on sunlight, carbon dioxide, and nutrients from the surrounding water. It can take on a variety of forms, hues, and flavours! For instance, the seaweed we utilize is known as egg-wrack or knotted-wrack but has the Latin name Ascophyllum nodosum. It belongs to the large category of brown seaweeds, which also includes the two major colour categories of red and green. These various hues are fairly obvious on the beach near rock pools.

The intertidal zone is where Ascophyllum nodosum flourishes. The region between low and high tide. As a result, the seaweed is exposed when the tide is low and hidden when the tide is high. It is believed that the specific antioxidants and other nutrients present in our chosen species of seaweed are a result of these extreme environmental changes (from wet to dry, various UV levels, different predators, etc.), which occur twice daily every day.
When discussing seaweed as food, another phrase that is frequently used is “sea veggies”!
What distinguishes seaweed from sea kelp, two names used to refer to sea plants?

Although it is a common sea plant with many health advantages and a high nutritional value, sea kelp is not the same as seaweed.

I think kelp is a great source of nutrition, Afterall the sea is so abundant in minerals and plant life. I like going to a restaurant and ordering a seaweed salad. I get kelp from down in Tasmania as the water is cold and coming from the Antarctic which makes it rich in nutrients and clean from pollution.

Kelp is the highest in natural Iodine ( Iodine you get in Iodized salt probably not the healthiest).

It also is high in trace minerals which are very necessary. 

Iodine is required by the thyroid to produce its hormones, therefore when you see the numbers three or four, similar to the t4 and t3. show how many molecules of iodine there are. that produce that hormone, but iodine instead
in regulating your oestrogen, so if a lady has too much oestrogen, it’s extremely helpful for more than just the thyroid
They could get ovarian cysts.
Breast fibrocysts
iodine that can help them with their issues help counteract an excess of oestrogen Therefore, it’s excellent for that second item.improves your IQ your mental performance, particularly in an expanding child additionally, if you are expecting, take  want assistance to obtain that iodine because a deficiency in iodine not only  lowers IQ  but in reality, the infant might be born with a smaller brain and shorter if you don’t have enough iodine.
Also it has 10 times as much calcium.
accompanied by milk issues, hormone issues,
however marine kelp is a strong calcium source.
a lot of other nutrients come first.
sea kelp
and manganese
Iron and zinc, both of which are crucial
c vitamin as well as some b vitamins.


This phytochemical has been shown to a few seriously potent anti-cancer properties It contains an antioxidant.inflammatory-reducing qualities and just that advantage is fantastic.



There is  a trace mineral called vanadium. don’t require a lot of it

You require less, and that aids. Your sugar levels are normal. insulin sensitivity in actuality, all of the trace minerals, insulin resistancebut it so happens that they are in marine kelp.

the iodine in question appears to be the most intensely focused the concentration of marine kelp or seaweed Iodine extracted from seawater

It is a highly powerful 30 000 times. a concentrated supply of iodine source made of plants so your body can in fact, could readily utilise that


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